Watching Nahbi, he couldn't help but laugh. "Man, today seems to be one for the books for you. If this is an omen for the next four years, at least it won't be boring." The girl was obviously having a tough day, but it didn't get her down, Zee had the upmost respect for that. It was apparent that she could roll with the punches, a valuable skill for anyone, especially hunters. He would have to keep a close eye on her. From the bushes emerged the lizard Faunus, a sight for sore eyes. The man laid out his greeting and his proposal and extended his hand to Zee, which he gladly accepted, gripping it firmly, the scales digging into his skin a little. "A sound proposal. Don’t take this as an insult, but I will be happy to work with someone of your ancestry again. Don't disappoint me." He felt bad expecting something out of a person simply because of what race they were, but he knew what they were capable of. When he turned around, he saw that Yasuri was on the move to the ruins, he urged the others to follow suit. "Relax man," he called back as he was playing catch up. "You're still number one in my book." At their current pace it wouldn't take long for them to break the tree line.