I'll make a good history up to 1000 years and maybe even more if anyone wants me too, year 2015-2030, Robots are beginning to be made. they're mostly drones nothing important, Science begins to Accelerate, the world golden age begins with lots of culture and peace, the world is happy 2030-2035 Israel-Middle war starts and ends, Ends with Israel being nuked, 2035-40 world war three, America and its allies (canada, britian, Australia, france) but however all of the other countries tooken the advantage and attempt to nuke them, Total chaos breaks out and it ends with nuclear war, 2040-2100, the Hibernation period, the remaining survivors hide in a underground pipeline, a special group of a 5 million people go into a large cryo sleep for 300 years. Fighting each other for resources, radiation begins to go underground causing mutations near 2080, Killing everyone in pipelines close to the surface, 2100-2200 Mutations start getting severe, Causing infected people to attack the remaining survivors, Wiping out the remaining population, the world becomes silent for once, at 2200 the last mutant died of starvation 2200-2300 cryo sleep people wake up, and go to the surface now that earth is cleaned, they settled in america calling it Ente Islana (america has became tropical due to the radiation) it is a very communistic place, very totaltarian. another group of cryo sleepers go onto cuba, calling it Eubai, a few people go to canada and call it Revenati, some people go to mexico and call it Mexi, many other small countries are in Ente islana 2300-2310 Massive science acceleration in Ente Islana, due to a hidden Cache of Scientific prototypes from 2035 2310-2350, Eubai secretly starts stealing ente islanas new technology and gives it to the other countries, Ente islana begins its conquest to capture the Heretic countries (non-islanaians) ends with the Alliance (eubai, revenati, mexi) capturing ente islana, Ethan Livingstone (general of the EIAF) learned how to time travel and brung a tiny but fully armed squad of 10 with him (he has the gift to take 10 people through time with him) 2350-2400 Big peace, very long lasting, a roboticist named Sarah tesla invented robots using old blueprints, she then made even more robots, robots are being created and lots of them are sentient, by the end robots become extremely Sentient and a extremely intelligent prototype AI called EZIK was created, 2400-2450 EZIK and the robots malfunctioned, Sarah Telsa sympathized with the robots and joined them, organic/synthetic war begins, Synthetics won by a landslide 2450-2550 Humanity is enslaved, forced to fix and create robots in slavery, Tesla was betrayed [h2]MORE COMING SOON![/h2]