Inquisitorial Flagship [i]The Word of law[/i] Valeria turned glaring at the Colonel, she did hate his rudeness but he was smart, well smart enough to fix chimera's so he could drive back the ork's. She was a radical herself, a collector Xeno's tech to use to defeat there enemies, still she needed to show him who was inchrage. "You are here because I tell you to be, however the reason for this meeting is simple. We have discovered that this planet has Titan manufactorums that we must secure. However we have recently heard news concerning us, a piece of tech that runs on Alien concepts was reported by skull probe. I want you all to secure any strange Xenos items and for transport. If any of you wish to remain you may, Captain Abner will coming aboard shortly to meet with me. If any of you need relief or support I would suggest asking him." She turned taking a seat on her Inquisitorial throne, her agents and acolytes busying themselves as she watched waiting for Captain to arrive. She waited to see what officers remained and who left, perhaps she would take a few of them with her when she went back to war against the Necron's. They held the key to stopping the Tyranid hive fleets, she would have it. Thunderhawk gunship [i]Lion's Wrath[/i] Abner stepped aboard the Inquisitors ship, he was greeted by a sea of Tech priests and navy men who paraded him towards the bridge. He arrived to find the Inquisitor waiting, sitting in her room, normally he would have his his vanguard with him but today he had only two brothers with him. Brother Librarian Amos and Company Champion Lebbeus walked each of them dressed in full war gear. They greeted the Inquisitor with a nod, Dark Angel were not known for there high opinions of Inquisition then looked at those around the room. They looked between the officers as if passing judgments already, Abner stepped forward. "I am Captain Abner, to who do I have the pleasure of working with? The Inquisitor gripped her throne, she looked pissed that Space marine had simply nodded to her then set about speaking to the officers she had called her. Abner gave a slight grin under his helmet, he enjoyed watching the Inquisitor squirm.