[u][b]ARRAN WHITE[/b][/u] Gasping Arran focused on her breathing, nothing else, just her breathing, [i]in… hold… out… hold… in… hold… out…[/i] When her breathing was back to normal, with just the occasional wheeze, Arran blinked and looked around. The coughing that came after she got herself worked up, or after exerting herself too much; that was normal, normal for her at least. But the blood, …that was new. Grabbing a fistful of toilet paper, Arran wiped up the blood, flushing the bloody paper down the loo. Grimacing she looked in the mirror, really all she wanted to do was lock herself in here and never come out, but the realistic side of her knew that that couldn’t happen. She tried to clean herself up best she could but the blood wasn’t gonna come out of her shirt without soaking it in cold water, something she wasn’t going to do here. She could ditch it of course, her shirt, it wasn’t like she wasn’t wearing anything underneath but her shirt was the only thing she had with long arms, and there was no way she was taking that off. She’d just have to hope no one paid her enough attention to see the splattering of blood across her front. There wasn’t a lot of it, but still enough to possibly attract unwanted attention.