[center][h2]The Descent of Man [/h2][/center] [center][img]http://www.allwalls.net/wallpapers/2013/09/Stalker-Pripyaty-Chernobyl-Fence-600x960.jpg[/img][/center] [i]"When I was a young man I thought I knew how the end would come. I was so certain that I made sure my family had what we needed to survive that catastrophe. My neighbors saw the wisdom in my preparation and decided they should do the same. For a time we all felt safe that when the end came we could weather the storm and come out alive. It seemed everyone on the street was prepared for a different kind of catastrophe.. bio-terrorism, nuclear war, natural disasters of all kinds. We had no idea how truly foolish we were for thinking we were ready."[/i] [quote= Omar N. Bradley]Wars can be prevented just as surely as they can be provoked, and we who fail to prevent them, must share the guilt for the dead.[/quote] 7,222,790,070 people on Earth stood and watched the missiles. 5,308,400,000 people watched the flashes. 4,056,400,000 Survived the first week. 3,313,900,000 survived the first month. 2,202,900,000 survived the first six months. 1,772,711,810 survived to see the snowflakes fall. 768,481,352 survived the Nuclear Winter. [quote=Albert Einstein]I know not with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.[/quote] The world stood and watched as thousands were killed in a rash of bio-terror that flowed throughout the world. One virus in particular stood out. It killed within a day of contraction and was spread through all vectors. It was the ultimate death machine. This came only after a streak of the worst case natural disasters struck all the world. In its crippled state, man was weak, fragile and terrorists took advantage of the situation. In the last meeting of the United Nations, briefcases were set in front of each member of the council and each was given a key. In under an hour the world was bathed in nuclear fire and radiation. After 25 years humanity has lost nearly 90% of its population and only now are places on the surface beginning to become habitable again. Humanity found its place in the coldest, highest, lowest and hottest places on Earth. From the ashes of the old world human civilization once again emerges to stake its claim in a world rampant with mutation, disease and radiation. [h3][center]Roleplay[/center][/h3] Rules: 1: No god-modding (No insta-kills or overpowered nonsense) 2: Battles will be decided in three ways, player consensus(Both players agree on a winner), Dice rolls, or GM/Co-GM decision 3: No overpowered individuals (You may play as a nation and an individual in your nation as long as the individual is mortal) 4: No overpowered mutations (Your people can be mutated in ways but every mutation has a draw back) 5: No Ganking (Ganging up on a player, unless there is good reason) Information: This roleplay is based on many different post apocalyptic stories. STALKER, Metro 2033/Metro Last Light, and Fallout for the most part. You will create a faction/country based loosely on these stories or a completely original idea and lay claim to an area on the map. By laying claim to an area, you prevent other players from starting there, however your faction/country DOES NOT control all of it (Unless its VERY small) this is just to space out players a bit so there is not much early game interaction, to allow players to grow and understand each other's play styles better. Nation Sheet: Nation Name: Culture/Beliefs: Place on map: Please download, edit, and re-hide the url. [hider=Map][url]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/A_large_blank_world_map_with_oceans_marked_in_blue.svg[/url] [/hider] Old World Connection: (If any) Populations: (Limit to 10,000 split between military, civilian, and government or however you want to set it up) Government type: (Examples: Democracy, Communism, Socialism, Traditionalism, Autocracy) Spoken language: Economic System: Food/Water Sources: (Do you have them?) Pros:(The good things about your nation) Cons:(The bad things about your nation) Let me know if you are interested in this, if I should work on anything, any suggestions, please don't post full nation sheets yet, leave that for when we have enough people I'd hate to see you waste time. USE COMMON SENSE AND BE CONSIDERATE! Listen to UltikanaRe, for he is the Co-Gm.