Meesei calmly let go of the trama root, leaving it somewhat larger than it was before. She continued to inspect some of the other nearby plants, though she had no need to give any more demonstrations. "Before my turning, I was the Treeminder of my village. It is a title that can mean different things depending on the village you visit, but for mine, it was something close to what you might consider a shaman. My duties were not only to care for our Hist tree, as the title implies, but also to be the magical authority, and a leader for my clan. Since the day I hatched, my father gave me my instruction in the arcane. Our traditions involve magic that the rest of Tamriel seems to have forgotten, or never knew to begin with. It is magic that compels me to understand the forces that shape nature, from living to nonliving. Restorationists are only concerned with people, or animals, but plants, fungus, they are all just as alive as us. Their forms, their energies, are drastically different, but there are elements of magicka that connect everyone and everything. Of course, it would be...impractical for me to personally visit every plant here to stimulate its growth, but I know other methods of achieving the same end. It would take time to implement, however." Ahnasha shrugged her shoulders. "Personally, I think Lorag is becoming paranoid over his age far too early. I mean, he is not even yet in his late thirties, much less his forties. I think he is just worried that it will only be a few years before he starts to see limitations from his age, so he doesn't have too much longer to be in his prime. I think he is just as strong and fast as he has ever been, but I wouldn't be surprised if he has been tricking himself into thinking he has been getting weaker. The mind can do some strange things. If Harriet hasn't been worrying about it, it's probably because she knows she doesn't need to be. Maybe Lorag should go see Najirra? I would [i]love[/i] to see how that would play out." She commented with a slight chuckle.