[b]The Strategic Orrery, Invincible[/b] Celestine. Captain Gillam Belasko's pearlescent eyes reflected its holographic representation in shimmering bands of pink as he took in the spectacle before the combined leadership of the Second Expeditionary Force. Scarlet continents slowly gyrated about against a smooth sea of blood red ocean. Mountain ranges, lakes, and islands were all depicted in various shades of red. Paired with the satellite Pontius orbiting at a crawl around it, Celestine V appeared innocuous enough as planets went. Such appearances were deceiving, for this was a fortress world. An assault on this planet would be a bloody affair indeed. The Royal Armada could expect to face nothing short of an array of mammoth anti-orbital cannons that could cripple a Demnevanni with a single slug. Defending each of these installations would certainly be a layer of smaller yet equally redoubtable anti-air guns, guarded in turn by a teeming host of Arius' abominations. If the Second Expeditionary Force was particularly unlucky, a series of orbital bastion stations would complicate fleet staging whilst making insertions a costly proposition. An unsupported Celestine would be a hard nut to crack; barrages from Pontius' own anti-orbital installations and the dread fleet lurking about the Maalik system elevated the challenge to a new order of magnitude. Captain Belasko's eyes flitted up to the holographic fortress orbiting about the Orrery as Grand Duke von Ravenstein concluded. From his vantage, Pontius was slowly eclipsed by Celestine as the moon's circuit slowly placed her on the far side of the planet. An assault would [i]have[/i] to target this hemisphere of the planet, lest it face the murderous barrage of the moon's anti-orbital emplacements. Captain Belasko had devised the first stages of his attack plan. But Captain Belasko was merely that - a captain. He had no sway over the royal command structure. The Admirals and his Unapproachable Excellency had taken every necessary precaution to ensure an utter massacre in the Maalik System, it seemed. And though Captain Belasko would uphold his solemn duty to carry out his Majesty's will, he had no particular interest in dying to see that will carried out. As the summit stood in unison for the closing salute, Captain Belasko's eyes fell upon the dais of the Admirals - upon an old friend. There, standing with stoic dignity, was one he knew could hear reason among nonsense.