(Lol as I saw the riddle I thought about the mirror so I think the answer is obvious now HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE) [b]Leone[/b] Leone is not the smart-type of person so she had a hard time solving the riddle. "[b]What is it? hmm?[/b]" she thinks and thinks and thinks and thinks until finally she gave up. She said the riddle over and over again on her head still thinking what the hell is the answer. "[b]What is it!? What is it!?[/b]" she asked herself as she rocked like a rocking chair on the floor since she had no freaking idea what is the answer. After all the struggle of thinking, I think the cookies are baked! Leone finally have an answer! "[b]Ahah! It's REFLECTION! Am I right?[/b]" she asked the boy with raised eyebrow and a smile hoping that the answer is right!. [b]Mine[/b] Mine saw a USB cable since Mine is not into technology since she lives a medieval life on her world. She had no idea what is that. So she just looked at it for a while and all of a sudden, an idea popped in to her mind!. What if you can connect the flat scrap into this thing! she said to herself. So she did what she have to do. She connected the usb cable on her table which she called flat scrap. She then turned on the TV and wait for anything to happen. [b]plug your tablet into the TV? Y[/b]