Leave it to a typical backwoods town like Kilo Point to put their city morgue and the coroner's office outside city limits, a long and seemingly lonely drive down a stretch of paved highway snaking around and cutting through a dense, verdant thicket of pines, spruces, and cedars towering over the road, casting upon the derelict passage dappled shadows so dense and so dark, not even the most avidly trained eyes could peer through and see what lies beyond. Thankfully, that's why vehicles were made with headlights. The small, two door sports car continued on its way back to the town, a vibrant crimson paint-job appearing nothing more than as a thin silhouette amidst the glow of the headlights, and that of the pale, full moon cresting over the treetops and diluting the thick shadows a little. The person driving the vehicle, Rebecca, had one hand casually rested on the steering wheel while another was propped against her face as she leaned on the driver side door and gazed out onto the road and the trees passing by her, eyes seeming to be vigilantly watching for any hazards, such as a deer or an elk prancing into the way of her car, or so help her one of those damned forsaken logging trucks screaming by her and jolting her awake, but nay did her thoughts lie on what was in front of her. Rather, they were upon her recent discovery at the morgue, the very words of that....detestable creature echoing throughout her ears, along with that name....Magnus. Where did she hear the name before? Just recently it seemed, but the woman was certain that name had rung a bell...just a very distant ringing it was. Could he be...? No...of course not. Magnus, whoever this other unsavory foe may be, he is a lord, an elder. Surely a man of his guile wouldn't outright attack as...the very beast who ruined her life, but even so, Magnus was a lord, and such, he must be dealt with as soon as possible. From the sound of things and given the current situation in Kilo Point, it was he who was riling these youngbloods to go forth and slaughter indiscriminately. As she continued driving, the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SBY_fUpmnQ]radio[/url] softly played, a mournful tune to fit what else but the dreary and melancholic aura Rebecca felt from her surroundings zipping by her. She glanced off to the side, noticing in the passenger seat next to her, the teenage girl was curled up and resting peacefully, her petite chest gracefully rising and falling with every shallow breath she drew, her tiny lips moving slowly as an incoherent murmur or two followed. Warmly Rebecca smiled, finding the view....quite adorable, but twas as she turned her attention back to the road, her eyes suddenly widened and her high heel slammed into the break, thrusting both she and Camille into the dashboard nearly and giving both women quite a jolting surprise. [color=f49ac2]"Aaah! Oh my god! What happened?!"[/color] Frantically the girl spoke, her eyes darting about. [color=ed1c24]"It's okay, sweetie. Just...w-wait here. I'll be right back."[/color] Trying her best to remain calm, Rebecca answered her thrall, unbuckling her seatbelt and stepping out of the car. Slowly...and ever cautious...she approached the obstruction, a lumbering mass of metal that could, if it wished, have crushed her car...and the two of them, in an instant. And by metal...military metal. [color=ed1c24]"What in the name of... What is this doing here?"[/color] Rebecca couldn't believe it, a tank, an armored combat machine, in the middle of the road in a (supposedly) peaceful hamlet of all places! Astonished she was at first seeing the tank just appear right before her eyes, but now....the woman was quite suspicious...and a bit apprehensive. Could it be National Guard? Was the vampire uprising that damn threatening to national security that the government responds with military force? No, even if the murders were rampant and the night children were slaughtering left and right, it would be folly just to send more cattle for them to feed off. SOLDIER perhaps? Also a no. As advanced as SOLDIER appeared, it seemed they wanted to keep much of their [i]enforcing[/i] hush-hush. A publicity stunt such as this would only rile the citizens into a panic. It was as she examined the armored behemoth a bit closer, she discovered...a rather regal and peculiar emblem. A cross, the symbol of the Christian faith, salvation to some, oppression to others. Explained why the woman, who in their mind would be considered abomination for both vampirism and...other matters, never adhered to a faith nor to a religion. Though, the sight of the holy symbol gave her a slight pain in her eyes, common when she ran across them. It was ablaze too, reminding Rebecca of the [i]old traditions[/i] of the South, and funny it was how racism persisted, even after the Civil Rights Movement. But nevertheless, this tank was in her way. [color=ed1c24]"Excuse me!"[/color] She called out, still not sure if the tank was manned, and if the steel was thick, then what possibility was there her voice would carry through? [color=ed1c24]"Excuse me! You are in my way! I'm asking you kindly to move your...umm...vehicle from the road, so that you do not disrupt traffic any further!"[/color]