The tunnel was dark enough that Priscilla's torch could only light up a few meters around her, the disturbed dust and debris was thick in the air, stymieing the warm glow of the fire in her hand. She drew her blade slowly, squinting her eyes as if to pierce through the obfuscating clouds of dirt, and hefted it in one hand with relative ease. Years spent in the training yard and on the hunt have made her strong, and she was proficient with wielding the bastard blade's weight fluidly in either hand or both. The torchlight glinted off of the blade, highlighting the nicks and scratches in its surface, but also showing the keen edge it held. The sword's handle was decorated with rune-embroidered strips of cloth that dangled over its macelike pommel and lop-sided cross-guard Jacque's question caught her off-guard, making her pause in her step. The saddened expression on her face was known only to her in this dim lighting and closed-off space. She looked back, sweeping the hair from her eyes as she spoke. "That is a very good guess. Yes. The foul creature ruined my home," The memory was still fresh in her mind, whilst she had forgotten the name of the village and exactly where it was, she still remembered the events that drove her this far. She continued with anger in her voice, "Defiled the waters and devoured those I held dear." She spat in disgust, moving now with more purpose. "For that it will bleed."