Meesei shifted her gaze from the plants to the enchanted lights above them. She began to smile ever so slightly with the surprise in Carana's voice. "Some of the most powerful beings in history have been mages. Perhaps I have a certain bias, but it is my thought that a mage can achieve more than one with simple might, especially if the mage can incorporate more mundane tactics as well. Once the clan has been secured against our enemies, I will be sure to speak to Darahil. This place is greatly interesting to me, in particular its magical artifacts. I believe I would like to contribute to your research, and perhaps learn from you as well." Since Sabine was now restocked, they were free to leave. After exchanging goodbyes, Meesei and Sabine left the chamber and traced their way back towards the main chamber. They needed to head up to their room for Meesei to be able to speak freely, but first, she diverted them in the direction of Ahnasha and the rest of the group. She needed to explain the plan to the others as well, but unfortunately, there was simply no way Meesei could think of for them to contribute. Any more than herself and Ahnasha would not be able to hide for the ambush, and there was nothing she could think of that they could help outside the ambush. If they tried to keep watch on the lieutenants, they might intimidate or otherwise delay the traitor. The most they could do was to be ready to deal with the aftermath of whatever transpired. Meesei did not want to call away all of her pack at once, so for the moment, she could settle for bringing Ahnasha with her. "Excuse me, but might I borrow you for a moment, Ahnasha? There are some ideas I would like to discuss with you regarding tracking the enemy. Come with me; you can leave Rhazii with Fendros, if you like." Meesei requested in a calm, polite tone. Given the nature of the investigation she had left the others with, she did not need to give any hints for the others to know that any request she made was important. "Oh, I didn't know he was [i]that[/i] old. He sounds like he must be a mage, though I don't know what kind of magic..." Ahnasha began before being cut off by Meesei's voice behind her. She did not have any idea what Meesei wanted with her specifically, but given the situation, she was not about to question it. "Oh, sure." She commented as she quickly handed Rhazii off to Fendros and stood to her feet. No doubt the others had to be curious as well, but there had to be a reason Meesei was calling on her specifically. Perhaps it was to avoid making what they would be talking about seem too important? In any case, Meesei was quick to take the lead, so Ahnasha had only time for a short goodbye before following.