Despite Rhazii's initial protests at seeing his mother walk away, Fendros managed to settle him and continued the conversation with everyone. Soon enough, a couple of people from another table called over to them, suggesting that they break bread with 'real hunters'. This caused a slight bit of confusion until Fabian explained that they might tolerate their presence, but they don't have much in common with he, Hadryn and Theresa. They managed to get them around a fire anyway where it appeared they were friendly, but had an underlying rivalry. Theresa then filled Fendros, Janius, and Kaleeth of the factional dynamic of the clan. It was a small community, but there were packs that were under the management of the lieutenants exclusively to make things easier. Such packs tend to respect the commands of their lieutenants more than others due limited resources sometimes making things tense. Around good times such as these, though, they were still a big family. As they might have suspected, the well spoken and knowledgeable Fabian, Theresa, and Hadryn were in a pack under Darahil. The noisier and more excitable people around them were in packs under Oswall and Harriet. The only ones under Vera present were Anders' pack and likely more people in Bruma and elsewhere in the ruin. Sabine found a place to make the scent ointment while Ahnasha was filled in on the situation. During the afternoon, Jerrick himself came by with a satchel containing all Meesei had requested. He still had some business to take care of, but after dinner, he came by Meesei to mention that some 'bed bugs' had been reported in some rooms and to ask if they required an alchemical repellent. With that, he headed straight to the meeting chamber to look over ledgers and accounts. He asked not to be disturbed by anyone, so Meesei and Ahnasha's approach had to be stealthy enough that it was possible that he didn't notice them at all. Only once was he soon disturbed by Darahil knocking on the door to ask what he was doing and whether he needed assistance. Jerrick didn't get up, and merely shouted politely to lead Darahil off. Darahil still didn't open the door, but his footsteps heralded his departure. The rest of the pack took the time to visit the pool chamber and cleanse off their travels with some others in the clan. Sabine didn't seem to contribute much to conversation and tried to leave as soon as she could. When Janius asked where she was going, she responded saying that she was going to find her friends that she had met today, but Janius stopped her. He was tasked in keeping an eye on her after all. Sabine was visibly glum from having to stay around with the pack. Fendros stayed with Rhazii in a shallow section of the pool, but was beginning to get concerned about Ahnasha and Meesei. They never had the opportunity to talk about their plans. Over in the Meesei's pack's bedchamber, a napping Lorag was woken up by a pressure on his side. "Hey, big boy," Harriet was standing over him with her arms crossed and her foot on his upper arm. "Get up." Her voice was as commanding as ever, but seemed more toned down, like she didn't want to attract attention from anyone nearby.