Klaus kept his distance once he was close enough to gauge the scene; with his age, the scene was nearly clear from the cover off the tall buildings though he knew he wasn't invisible to an alert vampire. It seemed the slaughter was over and it had been vampire versus vampire. The expression on his face was a grim one, hidden by the shadows near the docks. Over the sound of the waves licking the docks and boats, a remaining rogue traded words with what appeared to be the Blackmoores' most dangerous vampires. She was talking herself into a corner, which was a shame, because otherwise he'd almost feel comfortable stepping in. He noted the Blackmoore woman's intensity, that she was high on vampire blood. Almost. He remained a bystander even when Beatrix attacked the girl, only crossing his arms uncomfortably. For the moment, his attention turned on the family head who had allowed this to happen. [i]Well at least Mira won't have to deal with the rogues,[/i] he thought to himself, eyes resting again on the rogue girl who was granted an opportunity to run. Not that it'd matter. [center]____________________________________________________________________[/center] {idk what to write for mira right now and im supes tired anyway so i'll try to add something tomorrow}