Leneas smiled a little bit when he thought about Astech. Not about the future, at least, of the original timeline. More about the past. Astech was a demon that towered over just about everyone, and a man who babied Leneas at every turn. He also taught Leneas how to use a sword and cast spells. "Well..." Leneas's voice trailed off. He wondered if he could mention all that to Cassarah. He didn't even mention [i]that[/i] to anyone in his party in the original timeline. "Well..." his voice and thoughts went into the distance, again. Leneas could mention Astech's size, perhaps? His three eyes? His red skin, and ridiculously well-toned body? The horns? The tail? "Well... Where do we start... uh..." Leneas started grinning like an idiot again. A few hours in a nicer, less demon-invaded world, and he started to feel like a complete naive fool again. Wasn't there Cassarah's prophecy? The one that failed to convince anyone until it was too late. "Do you know anything about a demon invasion, Cass? I mean, Cassarah?" he asked. Leneas stopped grinning, though he was still pretty damn sure the awkward expression he had on his face was still too obvious.