A tense hour passed in the meeting room as Jerrick went over page after page of ledgers. What he read was nothing he was not already aware of, but keeping up the ruse was important. Just as it seemed that he was going to nod off, the door started to open unceremoniously. Jerrick looked forward, putting both his hands on the table in preparation to push up and ready himself. He seemed to relax when he saw who it was, though. "Vera, what are you doing here? I asked not to be disturbed." Jerrick's words were soft as his wife came into view. Vera was carrying a tray with a meal on it and shuffled slowly along the floor towards Jerrick so as not to spill the drink she had poured for him. "I thought you might be hungry. You didn't have any lunch or dinner." Jerrick sighed and smiled, "That's okay, dear. I've been snacking through the day." "I'll have none of it. If you're going to be this busy, you need to keep your strength up." Vera continued towards the table. It was not a violent pace and it didn't appear that she was carrying any weaponry, but Jerrick still stood up. He seemed conflicted, torn between trusting his own wife and preserving his life. Vera stopped out of reach of Jerrick and put down the meal on the table. "Why are you looking over the accounts anyway? Is there a discrepancy?" Harriet sneered at Lorag impatiently, before moving her foot from his arm to kick him roughly in the buttocks. "You're gonna stand up or the next kick's goin' somewhere else." It was doubtful that Lorag was going to be bruised by the kick, but if he was groggy before, he shouldn't be now.