Hiraga waited for the current verbal combat to be over to take her time to greet the new arrivals, although she couldn't say she was happy to see them anymore. It looked like children bickering. Were they really [i]that[/i] much younger? Kyras seemed to crown it by breaking what good spirits remained. "So could she say about your projects being a pathetic attempt to emulate our creator. And obviously since you are here, you think the idea has some merit. So silence yourself and let the angel speak. In the worst case scenario she is wrong and we get to laugh at her later. Until then..." she berated her eldest brother. She looked at Varavana with a hint of hurt in her expression. She realized the young one did not understand her connection with the world and that her weakening power was a good sign, but she could explain later or not at all. Right now it seemed like another situation craved her attention a bit more. She felt the need to defuse the prelude of war that was happening a few paces away. Getting up from her seat, she walked over to Nevaras. "Greetings, brother. It is wonderful to see you again. I trust you slept well?" she said, Standing herself in between the Smith god and the sword bearer. If they intended to fight, they were free to take it elsewhere, but she would not have Ceyr be the site of their struggles again.