As soon as the door opened, both Meesei and Ahnasha tensed up. It was Vera, Jerrick's wife, who was honestly the last person Meesei wanted to see that night. She was the person that Jerrick knew best, but who was also the one most likely to be successful in killing him since he trusted her. Indeed, if she was the traitor, she was going about it perfectly. A poison in his meal would kill him without any chance of fighting back and allow her the time to set up the scene however she wished. Unfortunately, neither of them could strike based on the suspicion alone. It was also perfectly reasonable that his wife would bring him a meal, especially if she noticed he had not eaten. Meesei watched from above, ready to unleash her magic at a moment's notice. She just had to hope that Jerrick could see the danger. Poison was a strong possibility, so he needed to avoid eating the meal at all costs. If he thanked her and allowed her to leave, Meesei could test the meal herself. She was immune to almost all poison, and Vera, if she was the traitor, would have no reason to prepare for poisoning an Argonian. If Vera became too insistent that he start eating immediately, that would certainly raise suspicion in Meesei's mind. She just needed to be careful. If Vera was not the traitor, then accusing her could cause problems. Even so, if it looked like he was about to eat, then she decided she would telekinetically force the food from his hand. She had one idea in mind of how to preserve the ambush if Vera turned out to be innocent. Lorag grunted with the kick before reluctantly sitting up and returning Harriet's sneer. "You better have a good reason for wakin' me up.' He grumbled, slowly bringing himself up to his feet. "I know you're not used to it, bein' in the 'inner circle' and everything, but I don't take orders from you."