[quote]Should there be a way to defect? I mean I know you can just not complete the challenge, but is there a way to just sort of say; "Look it was fun and all but I'd rather not do (whatever it is they've been asked to do) I'm just gonna drop out now" And them lose the money. or some thing like that. Just wondering. Or do they just not even bother starting the challenge?[/quote] Hmmm. I am not sure how to answer this definitively. Would this be for reasons that your character has, or are you referring to personal limitations. It is set up so that refusal of the challenge comes with 'loss of the game', as well as other consequences inflicted based upon decisions made. Maybe you could clarify a little more? I don't want to spoil anything, so I am trying to be careful here. :) Also, this is probably a good point to post a disclaimer: I would assume that the title would lead most to believe that this will most likely lead itself to graphic/gory/inhumane actions and decisions. I just want ensure that everyone is aware of that going forward. If there are any sensitive areas we should be aware of/avoid, please let me know, as I am currently going at this with no specific filters in place. [quote]Edit while I'm thinking about it; Ethnicity/Nationality: @ajeatstoast What does this mean? (Cause I'm an idiot who ditched school, Ok maybe not an idiot, but still) [/quote] This is just race and lineage. It will likely tie into your history depending how much of that your character knows, and all. Basically race. Not super important, but I use a CS template. :)