[quote=ajeatstoast]Also, this is probably a good point to post a disclaimer: I would assume that the title would lead most to believe that this will most likely lead itself to graphic/gory/inhumane actions and decisions. I just want ensure that everyone is aware of that going forward. If there are any sensitive areas we should be aware of/avoid, please let me know, as I am currently going at this with no specific filters in place.[/quote] Ahh I don't mind gore (much) I just cant stand gory [i]Details.[/i] so if they could be avoided or adding a note at the beginning of a post warning of gory details, that would be nice. If not I don't have to be here I guess, if I can't handle it. :) As for my original question; basically if they are given something as a challenge that they can't do whether it's cause they physically can't or because it goes against their morals, or whatever, can they just drop out or do they have to attempt the challenge? Don't worry, I'm lost myself now, so if you understood and have an answer than 'YAY'. If not don't worry I'll figure it out, or find a better way to phrase it. Actually if I knew exactly what I was asking that would be perfect, so yeah long sentence short; don't worry about it. :) Oh and thanks for the explanation for the Ethnicity/Nationality question. stuff like that goes straight over my head otherwise. :) (I have decided I like smiley faces, I think I'm overusing them.)