[center] [b]Name:[/b] [color=darkviolet]Teatrino Solomon[/color] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uew3uQ_qZqs]Lullaby of Deserted Hell[/url] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age[/b]: 13 [b]Appearance:[/b] (Picture shall come later) Messy black hair and black eyes. Teatrino has pale skin and pale pink lips that accentuate her tired look. Short and thin for her age, she also has bandages with mantra's wrapped over the entirety of her right arm and leg and for the most part function normally and are solid underneath, however, if they are to somehow be removed, you'd find no flesh supporting the bandages - just air. Her staple attire is a simple ragged brown cloak and hood, and a travel bag. Everything else is simple cloth and a belt. [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet, brooding and dislikes having to speak up. Tea is a very pragmatic and cautious person, and admittedly quite cold. Her current attitude is a coping mechanism she's developed over the years, and in truth, she's just the scared little girl she's supposed to be. When it comes to her goals, she is obsessive to the point where it becomes self-destructive, and despite all her caution, she sometimes forgets to factor in her own limits. Socially introverted and unskilled, Tea prefers to be left alone - if she has to speak at all, it will be for something important. She also has a strict moral code and all too often can only distinguish things as black and white, moreover she does not believe in forgiveness. [b]Favorite Color(s):[/b] White, Green, Blue, Brown [b]Favorite Food(s):[/b] N/A [b]Hobbies:[/b] Star/Cloud gazing, reading, gambling. [b]Weapons:[/b] Multiple leaves of paper with sealing marks on them. A blank book that can contain sealed objects. A dagger forged with her blood in it. [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] [hider=Sealing] Her main ability is the ability to 'seal' things; the methods she employs are varied, but powerful. Demons and higher beings can be subjected to her power if they are careless. She can seal of not only physical objects like body parts stones, but intangible things like memory or magical power. She has two main methods of sealing: 1. Sealing her target into a physical object. The better the affinity of the object to her target, the stronger the seal will be. She can of course, place overlapping seals on the chosen object to strengthen its restrictive power, but there is a limit to how much she can do, thus an object with good affinity is far better to use. 2. Sealing her object in a different dimension. Her seal can trap her targets in a 'sideways' dimension akin to a void. The benefit of this method is that unless she allows it, there is absolutely no way for anyone to break the seal and release her captured target - the downside to this is the amount of power it costs to use. For small things that are barely living, it requires not much energy, but for living things with magic resistance, the price to seal them using this method becomes considerably higher. She can increase her chances by somehow weakening her target. Tea has various other sealing methods, but these two are the quickest and cheapest ones to activate.[/hider] [hider=The Two Demons] Her secondary abilities are not so much as an ability but more of a sacrifice: She can unleash the demons trapped in her right arm and leg to wreak havoc on her opponents. The problem with this is she cannot control those demons at all, and she loses her ability to use a limb by releasing one - which is especially troubling when she releases her right leg. Once she releases them, she needs to be able to reseal them in an ten or so minutes, or else her body begins to deteriorate as a price to their power. [b]Demon of the Arm[/b] - A large 7 meter tall reddish brown elephant-like demon with 23 eyes, seven long tusks and sharp thorns growing all over its body. It's legs don't end in stumps but are instead shaped like human hands. It can stand upright and even wield weapons, but generally just likes to ram and crush it's opponents. It is immune to most magic, can breath fire and due to its contract with Tea it is functionally immortal - which means it gets damaged, but will quickly return to full its strength. [b]Demon of the Leg[/b] - A purple demonic horse with no head, and on the area where it's neck is, a demonic pastel yellow-colored human face is placed. The face itself has eyes that are completely red in color all the way to the sclera, and its grin is filled with four rows of sharp teeth. Its body is made out of rotting human faces. It moves faster than the wind and wherever it passes, it spreads a smoke that inflicts poison, disease and sickness of a lethal level to whoever inhales it. [/hider] [hider=Biography:] Teatrino Solomon was the daughter of two very powerful and very talented mages. As such, she was born with a massive amount of talent and power and no shortage of expectations. She didn't mind though - her parents were willing and able teachers, so even when she was young, she flourished and managed to make the most out of their education. It was repeatedly said that Teatrino would become the greatest magic user that the world would has ever seen! She believed it, her parents believed and practically anyone who has seen her study magic believed. Unfortunately, the devils believed it as well. Devils are creatures that corrupt and destroy; that is their very existence. Naturally, they were attracted to those who had the potential to help them wreak havoc on creation - this of course, included everyone that could use magic, after all, what better vessel of destruction could they wish for than the ones that danced with chaotic energies at their fingertips? Still, devils cannot just up and possess people. There are rules involved that are more ancient than time itself. So they had to plan, to trick, to deceive. It was so, so easy. Parents bloated by their pride in their offspring, and the said offspring with so much power and pride to match it. They sent out a disease where she lived, with the intent of touching her, and addled the minds of the doctors so that they would all say the same thing: [i]It was hopeless, she would die of the disease, she's already lost her arm and leg, they would have to be cut off. Give up.[/i] It was a moment of despair that struck especially deep, because it came so suddenly after their years of triumph. It was in this moment that theu revealed themselves. They made themselves sympathetic and weak looking - low-level devils that could be banished without a forethought. They offered a way to cure her, to give her back her limbs. It was a fine deal, after all, should they lie and go back to their word, they could easily be banished. Humanity should remember why the saying 'deal with the devil' was made. The disease they were responsible for went away, naturally, but to heal her arm and leg, they possessed her body, and substituted devils as limbs, and no one could oppose them, because they had signed a contract with their souls on the line. They slowly began to possess her, and began using her body to kill everything around her. Their mission had succeeded. In desperation, Tea created an impromptu seal and destroyed her arm and leg in the process, and sealed the demons where they were. It was too late however; the damage had been done. There was nothing left for her to comeback to. For days, Tea staggered around the broken remnants of her home, wondering if she should kill herself. The answer she arrived at kept her alive, but also left her with a severe emptiness - she decided to wander, to keep the memory of everything she held close alive. She was dead, everyone else was living. That was what she decided. Moreover, she would make sure a repeat of her life would never happen again. She studied alone and in isolation, training her use of seals vigorously, both as a way to keep her own demons in check, as well as to prepare for the future - at this point, she had promised herself to stop using any kind of magic except sealing. Three years have passed since then. Rumors have spread, and Tea has heard of them. It may or may not be devils behind the Mist, but there was evil there. She would see to it that it never again saw the light of day. [/hider] [/center]