Several figures emerge from the makeshift barricade that had been palced along the road. Each was wearing what looked like crusader armour, covered in tiny crucifixes, wielding large, crossbow-like machines. At the front of their Repeating Crossbows was a blade, and even from this distance it was easy to recognize the silver from which the blade was made, or at least which had been built into the core. In the back, one of them wielded a machine similar to a flamethrower, with a pipe leading to two large tanks on his back. However, it lacked a flame, and had a similar blade built onto the nozzle. It would have taken the application of serveral neon signs, and potentially fireworks, to make it any more clear that these men were specialized vampire hunters. 'This is a barricade, the entire area is being Purged. The Lord has decided that the vampire presence in Kilo Point is no longer to be allowed, and several Oldbloods have been tracked to the area.' He gestures at a side road, obviously nearly unused and heavily overgrown. 'We have established a camp in that direction for those who wish to wait out the Purge. If you live there, you may want to move to that location, for your own safety. We cannot guarantee the lives of anyone who enters beyond this point.'