Priscilla stumbled as her foot caught on a rock in her path, but she recovered quick and continued at her determined pace. She felt the tingling in her fingertips and the pain behind her eye returning. They were nearing the swamp and in turn, the swamp drake. The smell of brimstone and rotting plant had become stronger and her mouth was beginning to feel like the scales of a desert wyrm. Omens all, but at this point nothing was going to deter her from her goal. [quote]"Drakes are fiercely intelligent, not to mention manipulative, when you go up against this creature it will first try to wither you down mentally to soften you for the physical blow. You'll have to be clear headed if you want to survive."[/quote] She chuckled at the statement and nodded in the affirmative, "Oh yes, I've seen the temptations that the scaled folk can present us mortals with. I can assure you, supposed prince or not, there is nothing this squirming wretch can offer up to save itself now. And don't worry, I think best when I'm in the thick of conflict." She felt it unnecessary to mention that it was the only area that she considered herself as thinking well in. Her grip on her blade tightened. "I've come too far to be thrown off now."