Rareth gave a chuckle. "I think your memory might be a bit fuzzy on that, or who knows, maybe it's mine that's off? There was an awful lot of adrenaline pumping through me at the time. I remember the Masulu teleporting onto me to get me with that spike. I think it was a telekinetically enhanced blow, though I resisted with my own telekinesis. The others tried to shoot him, but he teleported away. Honestly, though, it's doubtful he'll survive long with the fleet sweeping the station." Once Shiva was finished with her healing, Rareth brought herself up to her feet and started to stretch out her muscles. Nothing felt wrong, which was good, though the anesthetic was still having an effect. "Well, I'm still kind of numb, but everything seems in order. I think I will go get a shower as well, maybe a nice meal. Just remember, if you can, meet me in my quarters later today. I have something I'd like to say then." Rareth glanced quickly over to Telmeck. "Also, what are your plans?"