Adelisa smirked slightly, almost anticipating her death. "No, I'm not going to run." She leaned her head to the side, shoving her collar down and showing the scars on her neck, readying herself for death. She saw from the corner of her eye another male, most likely another vampire. She looked down at the ground and removed her hand from the collar on her shirt, feeling slightly embarrassed for the sudden suicidal movement. Her cheeks flushed and she looked back up at the woman with a calming smile. "You, [i]darling pawn[/i], might want to be careful with how much vampire blood you consume. You see, one or two newly turned vampires can get you the high feeling of madness, but I am much older than a day. I am much older than a year. Those little ones were young. I, for one, am not." She stepped up to the woman and lightly placed her hand on the injured spot, healing it completely. "And as I see it, I have information you may need to keep your little chess peices alive." She shrugged, stepping away from the woman. "But you are just going to die anyway." She waved and slipped back into darkness, moving with speed to her resting area. She didn't care if they followed her. It wasn't as if she had anything to hide. Her legs carried her to an abandoned shack that she was residing at for now. Adelisa sighed and threw open the door and slamming it shut when she entered. She wasn't scared that she was most likely going to be chased here. She didn't care if she lived or died, but she knew what was coming. She knew why she was here.