James grinned as he simply abandoned his guard post and walked out into the street directly along the route that the Purge was going. "Heh...Peace? Who gives a shit about that?" he mumbled to himself. He picked up a can of gasoline out of an open garage on the way there, and slung gasoline all over the street, before striking the ground with his sword, which caused a spark, igniting the gasoline and setting the road ablaze. And a gas fire would definitely be noticeable, even through the fog. "Aren't y'all hypocrites too? I mean, the church turned the legendary Dracula into a vampire! So don't go spouting all your holy bullshit about how the church is holy and good! You're just looking for a reason to kill and say it's a holy cause! You're the biggest sinners here! So shut your traps!" he yelled out at them.