Seeing the policeman who was planning on arresting the poor strongman earlier Kristof grew somewhat nervous, was he getting ready to arrest him now that they had defeated whatever evil it was that invaded the convention? The man began examining the creature that they had stopped, the one beneath Kristof in fact. The bulky man sitting atop the beast eyed the policeman, giving a casual smile. However, as the man began to speak the strongman's nervousness returned. "Still alive? Something inside?" The bulky man inquired, not sure what to make of the development. He spoke again, "Are you sure? How can you tell? It's stench has mostly subsided." Kristof sat firm upon the beast, making sure that it couldn't escape if it had been simply playing dead. A thought came to his mind, "Does that mean you can see it, sir?" Unable to get too many answers from the rather awed policeman due to the unannounced arrival of some mysterious man with two bodyguards, Kristof turned in place, now staring at the man who had simply exuded authority. Taking in everything that this figure had said, albeit missing a few words here and there, yet another strange man entered the scene. He was annoying, unmanly, and worst of all ungrateful that the people here had risked their lives to stop such a vile being from taking any more innocent lives. Finally with a sigh, the strongman stood from his invisible perch, towering over the rest of the figures in the hall. Striding over to the four unknown men who had just entered the area, the entire time glaring at this puny little lab-coat clad man. Outstretching a thick hand in hopes for a shake Kristof spoke, still feeling weary from his earlier revival, "I am Kristof Brandt, and it would seem I have no other choice. I do not fully understand what is occurring here but I have a feeling that we shall all have a part to play in the future." Now staring directly into the boss man's visage. "You may take me, you may take away the few of us, but do not drag children into whatever plans you have. Is their innocence in need of ruining?" With a sigh Kristof pointed at the doctor who had saved his life, "If we are to all be charged with something here then have that one charged with taking away something I had longed to see." The strongman's blue eyes had grown slightly watery before wiping them away with his free hand.