[quote=@Pudding] Hmm. How do you define a paragraph? > Is willing to give it a shot > Unsure if she can whip out paragraphs for a meaningful post > Enters Lurk mode [/quote] I'll be lenient on it. Provided you can make something interesting in a single paragraph, you can post. If not, you need 2-3 paragraphs to make it count. [quote=@DiamondBlizzard] [quote=@Frettzo] This seems interesting enough. I might give it a shot, though could we know a little bit more on what you've planned for this RP to be? Sure, there's all that timeline switching stuff, but it might be too chaotic to control without some sort of plot skeleton. [/quote] I believe there will be some sort of inter-timeline antagonist? I'm not sure honestly, you'll have to wait until SimYouLater gets online. We may vote from a choice of 3-5 timelines to decide which ones we go to and what-not, but I'm not sure if it'll play out Doctor Who-esque, with a plot, or both. [/quote] Each timeline will have its own problems, which usually can only be solved by complete outsiders. I may also introduce a trans-timeline "evil" empire to defeat. [quote=@DiamondBlizzard] [quote=@Joegreenbeen] So, do I just to post a CS under the Character tab, or should I PM the GM with my CS first? Edit: P.S. Would it be okay if the timeline I create is another offshoot of 5190 where there is magic involved? [/quote] PM him the Character Sheet first. [/quote] Yeah, that would be the best option. There's no problem with it, but I'd like to know what you have in mind for the timeline. [quote=@Durandal] I'm interested. Just one question. Are the Timeline Numbers how many years, months, or days ago the timeline split? [/quote] Timeline numbers are random, sometimes symbolic. I cba to come up with a system, so I just fudged it.