Hiiii~~!!^-^!! Looks Urshums!! But, k so like questions: So like do our charries know about the tether and what it is? Like I gets we will type it into our charrie sheet, but just checking to see how much our charries know about supernatural ways. Can you hurt someone else's tether or steal it? Oh and can you speak to the tethering spirit? K so just to clarify Ability Talents: If you have one kind of Ability, you have three types of Talents under that Ability, right? And soooooo then like later on can we teach each other our Abilities or Talents? Like I know ya dun wants super powered heroic types, but I think that it would make for some fun charrie development later on. Like not video game pick yer new skills level up thing, but something we teach each other over time? Thanks ya :]