What she was expecting were possibly men in kevlar vests and helmets to emerge from the armored war horse, but what a quaint surprise it was to Rebecca to discover men and women...donning gothic-medieval styled plate armor emblazoned with various religious insignias, something akin to what the Knight's Templar would adorn before riding boldly across the Middle Eastern deserts to reclaim the Holy Land from the heathen scourge. A bit taken back she was by the sight, not just the glistening silver of their polished pauldrons and cuirasses, not to mention the blades they wielded so chivalrously and valiant, but feeling a tad under the weather upon her eyes catching...so many damn crosses. If only Wiccans and Satanists hunted vampires. At least the sight of a pentacle wouldn't afflict poor Rebecca with a splitting migraine and a queasy stomach. She glowered her eyes to the paladins, still unsure of who they were, but...knowing well the reason they wore such armor and carried such weapons, such vile, glinting weapons indeed, out on a bloody crusade indeed they were, a violent warpath now carving a grim swath through a backwoods hamlet infested with the undead horrors of Nosferatu. And to think...Rebecca was upon the same path. [color=ed1c24]"Purged?"[/color] She spoke rather blunt raising an eyebrow to the words. Crusade? More like an inquisition to the woman...or more to the point religious fanaticism at its finest, making the current menace of Islam more of a tiny itch. [color=ed1c24]"What is this? A publicity stunt? Very avant-garde of you [i]fair knights[/i], but I must return to my office. I have important business ahead of me, so if you would be so kindest to remove this roadblock and allow me and my assistant through.[/color] In a split second, a small glimmer past her eyes, and with it, a rather tiny smirk crossing the woman's lush, ruby lips. Meanwhile, Camille sat in the car patiently, waiting for her mistress to return and seeing if...whoever these people were would let them through to the town. She leaned back in her seat, humming quietly to herself a little melody she made up on the spot, lightly kicking her toes against the bottom of the glove compartment, but then...she paused, her eyes flickering towards her right side. [i][color=f49ac2]Hmm? W-what was that?[/color][/i] Was she seeing things? Camille, she was sure she saw something...just now...in the woods, a figure..cloaked, hooded, shrouded in the deep, opaque shadows of the forest, only the soft ray of moonlight betraying his position, faintly giving away a [i]man-shaped[/i] silhouette, but yet...there was something in his hand...something gleaming...something...bladelike. [i][color=f49ac2]A sword?[/color][/i]