[quote=@Rosalite] asklfjldsf she came out a lot cuter than I thought she would, but I still love the art + it was a very sweet gift ( *u*)/ I've been online for enough time that I'm generally not really bothered by such things! ( ouo)/ It just feels more like good-natured teasing ( ( ÒAÓ)9 [i]ASURA[/i] ) than creepiness to me here! Situations like this don't really encroach in "creepy" territory for me unless there's like...constant harassment both IC and OOC. ...Also I think it's just hard to offend me (~ouo)~ [/quote] I'm sorry then as long as you don't mind it's not my place to say I guess even if I find it creepy if you don't it's not my place to say sorry...