[quote=@Darcs] [quote=@The Patriarch]I don't believe in egalitarianism, hierarchy is natural because almost every mammal species does it and it is quite clear that humans had a social order long before the dawn of civilization. I also think democracy is overrated and is idealistic and almost always leads to chaos and fascism. I am pro-government and would rather have a diverse authoritarian or monarchy style government.[/quote] Seems like that'd be the case until that authoritarian government did something you didn't like. [quote=@The Patriarch]For me the real reason our politics suck is because we allow emotional bitches rule our political debates and have emotional tantrums when things don't go their way. I hate liberals and view them as the new crusaders because of their idiotic self righteousness, but I also don't like ultra conservatives because of their ridiculous political strategies.[/quote] I don't know-- I feel like a lot of the problem stems from private organizations using the government as tools to wage war on countries that have resources they want. But either way, isn't generalizing a group and calling them 'emotional bitches' just as emotional? [quote=@The Patriarch]In a way I am a supporter of Plato's philosopher kings ruling the state, I believe that the philosophical minded should rule and not the masses, the people are too selfish to run a country.[/quote] Believe it or not, I don't think anything is completely infallible, but I'd rather trust all of us to do what's best for all of us than a single person. [quote=James Madison]"Philosophy is common sense with big words."[/quote] [quote=@The Patriarch]I also hate feminazis with a burning passion[/quote] <3 u [/quote] That was me being blunt when I called many of our political personalities emotional bitches. But seriously look at tumblr, the Huffington post and the whole government shutdown and tell me how we don't have a major problem with our country having over emotional children getting the Mic and all of the attention when it comes to politics. One of the biggest problems that democracy has is when people don't compromise