Litharian Galactic Date 5372-157, Planet Havatk, Thristrum Maximun Security Prison. Former Master of Eyes Klith imprisoned for treason against the Litharian people and Council of Masters. Sentence is Death to be carried out in two months time. His transfer was successful, no troubles on the way to the planet, then facility, then finally his cell. He has displayed no intent of escaping and seems to have come to grips with his fate. "He's only got another two weeks before his execution. You would think he'd be a little more regretful." Said a Litharain man, staring at a security console and more specifically the monitor looking into Klith's cell. "Well what do you expect, he sold Litharian secrets. That's not a man, not anymore." Another Litharain sitting in the security room as well. On the monitor Klith sat at the edge of his bed, hands folded, chin resting on them. His blank stare empty looking at the far wall. 'It won't be much longer' he thought to himself. And as if on his thought an explosion rocked the facility, the wall he was staring as shattered into dust and rubble and on instinct he ran forward, leaping through the cloud of dust. "What! All units converge on Klith's cell, get us reinforcements to Thristrum Station, he can't escape." A guard captain yelled as chaos erupted all around. Litharain Galactic Date 5372-204, Planet Havatk, Council Chamber of the Masters. Declaration is made that the convicted traitor and criminal Klith has escaped from Thristrum Maximun Security Prison with the assistance of an unknown party. The Litharian Collective turns to assistance in hunting down this dangerous man. "...This is hardly the ideal situation, but out options are limited. Whoever assisted him in escape knew Thristrum's layout and had the resources to bypass it's defenses." Master of Structure Jutaric declared before the other Masters. "But to give the knowledge of his escape to other races will only further compromise ours!" Master of War Karasis shouted back. "If he truly did escape with the help of others it wouldn't matter anyway. He is most likely already hiding with other races in exchange for he knows. Involving others could only serve to assist our efforts of finding him." The new Master of Eyes Xilanthis calmly stated. "I refuse to debate this matter further. Time is of the esseance and we must act, I urge forward the vote." He finished raising his right hand to signal his vote of yes. All around him, Master of Structure raised her right. Master of War raised his left saying no. Master of Advancement advocated to raise her right. Finally Master of Others hesitant at first raised his right. "The vote passes, but this must still be handled delicately, the Wolkar are known hunters and only need a price." Master of Others Hitharis spoke up swiftly. "I shall invite an emissary to the Chambers so we can discuss matters further." The other Masters nodded in unison, adjuring the meeting. Each one heading off in their own directions, but the Master of Others went to his office and to work sending a message to the Alphas. "On behave of the Council of Masters, I humbly invite the Alpha Council to Havatk to discuss a possible diplomatic endevour that has come to our attention due to recent events. Your expedited arrival would be most appreciated. Travel costs and appropriate housing will be covered at Litharain expense. - Master of Others Hitharis"