[quote]Turning his attention back to Priscilla, Jacque nodded though the gesture was lost given the fact that she looked ahead. "So long as you are certain. Still, this will be it's playing field. I'll honor your request to stand aside during your fight, however if you'd like information regarding the swamp i'd be willing to impart some. Fae touched lands are not lands that one should enter without caution, and this place will be no exception.".[/quote] Priscilla looked back to the large man and felt her lips part in a grin. It was enjoyable to not have to travel this last stretch of her journey alone, and the advantage of having a local to offer guidance was not lost on her as she nodded back at him. "Well, these being the lands that you live in, and the knowledge of those attuned with nature is always a welcome commodity to we Slayers on our hunts. But first allow me to ask you something. You have the smell of a man who has dedicated himself to the wilds, seen its secrets and tended to its denizens. Am I correct in the assumption that you are some sort of druid? Maybe a guardian of the wood? You strike me as a keeper of the peace."