Arina stayed quiet as she listened to a few of her fellow party members retort to the two guild leaders who were arguing earlier. It looked as if some of their words pierced them as the two actually stopped and listened. But the tank, who was the one who was going to file the complain, still had his menu up and had a small message typed up. The words made him stop and examine his message. In the end the words were to no avail as he turned and gave them a could shoulder and continued typing his message. Now the rest of the small party had arrived and they were beginning to converse and respond to Arina's question. It seemed all of them noted the strange behavior with the boss, like she did. So she wasn't just imagining it. It certainly was different, but she didn't know how to respond. That was her first time fighting that boss so she couldn't really form a solid consensus about what to think. Something was for certain however, the AI of that boss, be it ever updating and advancing or glitchy, was definitely different. The small party seemed to be disagreeing about what they thought. Some were happy about its AI being like that, while the minority were saying that they AI shouldn't be that way. Arina had to agree with the minority here. [color=red]"I have to agree with Fuyuko. But,"[/color] She held her hand up in suspense..for emphasis. [color=red]"I don't want to get into any debate here. I'm all for fun boss fights, but not boss fights that cause you to die or even wipe due to some coding error."[/color] The archer gave a small shrug and shifted her bow in her back a bit as it had fallen down slightly when she raised her hand...for emphasis earlier. A few players were now teleporting out and those that were staying around were still speaking or starting a trade up to trade the loot they received. Then an idea came to Arina's mind. [color=red]"Oh! By the way!"[/color] She started with a small squeak and then what sounded like a small meow to fit her nature. [color=red]"I don't know what all loot you guys got but if it's a weapon and you would like it improved or enchanted then talk to me! I'm kind of the number one crafter in this game."[/color] She sent a wink to all of them before crossing her arms over her chest. She did have high smithing and crafting skills, and she liked to boast about it. [color=red]"I'm kidding by the way. Well..about the latter. I really can improve your weapons...that part is true."[/color] Arina gave a few awkward coughs in an attempt to just try and make the air less..awkward. She wasn't the only Cait Sith here.. The archer then brought up her menu again and went over to the party section and saw all of their names. She clicked on them each one by one and sent them all a friend request. Once she was done she closed her menu with a swipe of her hand and looked up to each of them as she started to teeter on her feet. [color=red]"Since we are..done here I'm we are all going to go our separate ways. And I like you Friends! But, I know that I am going to head to my shop in Cait Sith territory to deposit some things and then I'm logging off for the night. Pretty sure my dinner is now a crisp...seeing as how that boss fight was longer than I was exepecting. But..oh well. So, maybe we can all play together again sometime? I like to think we make a good party."[/color] Arina stopped teetering on her heels as she was sure it was making them slightly uneasy. Great impression you got going on there. The archer then awkwardly stood there as she waited for responses.