Wolkar Galactic date 5372-210. Planet Ferran, capitol city Lupis. Alpha Council chambers. The Council of Alphas has recieved word from the Litharian Council of Masters that they wish to recieve an envoy in order to pursue a new diplomatic endeavor concerning recent events. Given this new opportunity to strengthen ties and possibly gain access to the Litharian's higher strength alloys to augment their machines and power armor, they were eager to make a good impression. The Alpha Sirius spoke first as an opening statement. "The Litharians will be valuable allies if they can become pack brothers. It is critical that we ensure this endeavor does not fail. In that regard, I have chosed Alpha Rennacd to represent us in this endeavor." Several of the Alphas growled out in disagreement, all vying for the position to further their own power before being silenced by the Sirius's own howl. The Sirius had fought off several challenges ad proved his strength and his authority. The rest of the Alphas quickly silenced their objections. The Alpha in question, Alpha Rennac Shadowclaw of the Shadowclaw clan and overseeer of the Mercenary guild, stood to be addressed still donned in his full armor. "Rennac, as the overseer of the Mercenary guild, you have the most experience dealing with outsiders. That and my gut is telling me this may be a more... dirty endeavor. I doubt this sudden desire for an envoy is to discuss trading rights. It is too sudden, too rushed. I want you to head out in full gear and be prepared for anything. However, I suggest you do not bring your FERAL. Since they did not outright say what it was they required it is clear they seek discretion. I expect you to approach this with the utmost professionalism." Alpha Rennac smirked and nodded. "Come on, it was only the one time. My little brother was finally coming of age and I had to be the good brother and go with him to drink. Not like I blew up the FERAL depot." "Just save the drinking for AFTER the job. We don't want a repeat of the Stumble Inn fiasc." As if on cue, all the pack Alphas gave a shiver of fear at the memory. "R-right. Will do." Wolkar Galactic date 5371-214. Planet Ferran, capitol city Lupis. The Alpha council has made the announcement that they have dispatched their most capable envoy to the home planet of Havatk to represent the Wolkar people in the diplomatic endeavor.