[b]Akira Aoi[/b] Relaxing, Akira noted the greeting aimed at her, as well as the....unique way of speaking. She had to resist the urge to glare then, lest she ruin the image she gave off. Still, getting pushed like this was not going to help [i]Is this guy an idiot[/i]," she wondered to herself, before realizing that it was some....inhuman....thing, looking at her. In that case, maybe being a bit aggressive couldn't hurt. "It's Akira, Akira Aoi," she replied with a sigh, glancing over at Nork. "And what are you supposed to be? Last time I checked it wasn't Halloween, and this isn't some cosplayers convention." Honestly, she should be congratulated for taking this as well as she had. THen again, supernatural card games helped here.