Litharian Galactic Date 5372-218, Planet Havatk, Palace of the Masters. Emissary Alpha Rennac Shadowclaw of Clan Shadowclaw is received at the Arkthurias Memorial Space Port and quatered in the Palace of the Masters while preparationf for the meeting are made. Litharian Galactic Date 5372-220, Planet Havatk, Palace of the Masters. Meeting preparations finish and Emissary Rennac Shadowclaw of Clan Shadowclaw is summoned to the Chamber of the Masters to begin their deliberations. The Masters were already present sitting at their curved semi-circle table waiting in silence for the Emissary to arrive through the large double doors at the other end of the room. A small table had been set up in the middle of the semi-circle so each Master would be an equal distance from where he would sit. Behind each Master was a grand tabard each one showing their specific symbol of office. From left to right, Master of Advancement Nithurk, Master of Others Hitharis, Master of War Karasis, Master of Structure Jutaric, and finally Master of Eyes Xilanthis. The room being an ornate over arching cathedral-like design with new aged pillars lining the walls. Above their heads was a domed roof that extended up high above. Everything around seemed to be either an expensive polished wood or an immaculately carved ornate marble or granite.