Envoy Rennac Shadowclaw enters the room, donned in his power armor and his helmet under his arm as his footsteps reverberate through the ornate cathedral style room. The only piece on him that was remotely decorative was an embroidered shoulder cape used for official meetings and events. He took his seat, placing his helmet on the table in front of him before turning to the Master of Others. "Before we begin I would like to thank Master Hitharis for contacting my people concerning this diplomatic endeavor. It is a strong belief of my people to welcome any who would have us as comrades and allies. Hopefully we can begin paving the way toward stronger diplomatic ties in the future. That said, I understand you are in need of a professional. As the Overseer and elite member of the Mercenaries guild, I am interested in getting underway as soon as possible considering this undertaking is likely time sensitive."