Master of Others Hitharis gave a shallow bow to return the respect given to him. Around Rennac the other Masters in turn gave their greetings. The Master of War came last, "Save your empty words Wolkar, your words lack the honor they intend. You are here against our race's better judgement." The Master of Others, Master of Structure, and Master of Advancement all turned to Karasis at the same time. But it was the Master of Structure Jutaric that spoke up first, "Enough Karasis, this man came to us of his own free will and means to do right by us. Hold your tongue if you seek only enemies." The Master of Others spoke up next, "Rennac Shadowclaw of Clan Shadowclaw, thank you for coming to us on such short notice. You are correct in this matter, we need an expedited solution to a problem that if you can accomplish it will strengthen our ties." The Master of Eyes Xilanthis pressed a few buttons on his section of table causing a holographic representation of Klith to form in the center of the room for all to see. "This is the former Master of Eyes Klith. Indicted for treason and sentenced to death. He recently escaped and fled off-world. As the Master of Eyes he has proven elusive and difficult to capture. He knows too much of Litharain protocol and tactics to viably be taken by a Hunter Team. That is where you come in." The Master of War chimed in again, "This does not make you valueable, only different. You are nothing to the-" The Master of Advancement was the next to silence him, "Karasis, enough! We are to be allies not enemies, so save the banter for another battlefield." The Master of Eyes returned to his speech, "You will be compensated for his return, your price is what we are here to negotiate."