The Master of War was absolutely livid. A creature as low as this thinking he had domain and power among the Litharians was an insult and one he would not stand for. He slammed his fist onto the table and the large doors opened allowing a pair of heavily armored and armed Karadon, clearly modified to be lethal monsters of death. The 16 foot high pair marched towards Rennac standing at attention at either side of him ready for their orders. "You have no domain or reason to mock us! You have no power and should be honored that we have even offered to pay you!" The Master of War shouted in response. Around him the Masters of Structure, Advancement, and most of all Others seemed absolutely livid about to depose the Master of War for his actions, but to teh side the Master of Eyes continued to pacify the others a grin on his face growing as the Master of War continued his rant. "I think this meeting has come to a conclusion, we shall adjourn and return to deliberations after our guest has had some time to think on our offer." The Master of Eyes said calmly, gesturing the guard to escort Rennac from the room.