Rennac was about finished with dealing with this biggot. He already planned to have the Lithorians not only blacklisted on their diplomatic channels but also have them blacklisted from the guild. This biggot was risking war the moment he called his guards after the wolkar had simply laid out the options available to them since he was not there representing the guild but solely as an ambassador of the Alpha Council. If news of his detainment had reached Ferran, it would mean certain war. When a member of the pack is taken, the entire pack rallies to free them. He quickly stood and readied himself for a potential conflict, his armor hissing as it moved. "This is no insult. I am not here under the authority of the guild, therefore I cannot just accept your job without the bounty being formally posted and processed. I am here strictly as a diplomatic envoy. Unless it concerns the ties between our nations, my hands are tied." His tone was as professional as it came, ready to fight his way out if it seemed to be neccesary. Thankfully however, it looked like it might not be needed as the Master of Eyes seemed to take control. The Wolkar could only hope he was more stable than his counterpart, or else he would need to put his jetpack to use. Once he got back to his quarters he opened up his portable terminal and printed the necessary forms. If these bozos wouldn't negotiate with him as a diplomat, they would need to fill out the necessary forms to hire him through the guild. He also notified the Sirius about the situation should the Masters be rash enough to imprison or kill him and start war.