[center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-8-Py9Fp-zq8/VNLQO3Lx_WI/AAAAAAAAGsY/FAaHUESeQHs/w800-h800/nidy-anime-girl-wallpaper_lrg.jpg[/img] ~Stands at 4’7 | Very slender and petite~ ~Name~ Autumn ~Age~ 15(At least, she was created 15 years ago) ~Species~ She doesn’t know what she is. ~Ability(s)~ Other than turning people to stone, Autumn is able to see using a form of echo-location. However, she needs sound for this to work otherwise she is left in the dark. ~Personality~ Her past scarred her and as a result, Autumn created a wall around herself. She is a very sweet and kind girl that upsets easily. Very clumsy but caring. However, she withdrew in on herself and erected a wall around herself. Everyone always gets hurt around her and if she distances herself from people then they can’t be hurt and neither can she. Everyone always leaves her so if she doesn’t get close, there will be no one there that will leave. ~Malady~ Medusa Curse= Like the Gorgon Medusa, anything she looks at will be turned to stone. So, to prevent herself from harming people, she wears a cloth tied around her eyes. ~Applicable Bio~ Autumn was made by a dark witch who wanted a creation to wreak havoc with. However, instead of an empty shell that only followed orders, Autumn was a sentient being able to think and feel for herself. Useless to the witch, Autumn was abused for the better part of her life. The witch had no need for her and so one day the witch tried to get rid of her. But Autumn managed to evade the woman. However, at one point when Autumn pushed her away she landed in the fire. As she burned she screamed out a curse. Made out of wood, the small hunt caught fire and Autumn fled the burning inferno. She was now lost and confused in a world she didn’t understand. People tried to help her along the way but everyone she meet she turned to stone. People became afraid of her and turned her away whenever they caught sight of her. They called her horrible names like monster and demon, staying she should not exist in this world. One instance, a boy no younger than six spotted her staggering down the road. He had ran over to her to see if she needed help but as soon as he caught sight of her crimson eyes he was turned to rock. His mother ran out of the house and over to her son, wailing in grief when she got to him. The men of the family came out and drove Autumn off with rocks and guns. Afraid and ashamed of her existence, Autumn hid. However, one day the Hospital found her and took her in.[/center]