As soon as the smoke grenade left his hand, Mithias heard the clink of metal ripping through metal and his back wheel went out of control. The bike fishtailed and then went down on it's side, sliding and flipping over obstacles as it veered off course. Mithias had managed to pounce off, but was forced into a sub-ideal recovery. Instead of drawing his guns, he pulled his two blades as he rolled up onto his feet. The left side of his SOLDIER uniform suffered some road rash, but the protective high-quality material endured. Smoke billowed out rapidly from the grenade, covering the whole area within seconds. Mithias stood within the cloud, blades ready, lips pursed, not making a sound and trying to locate his enemy. Tense microseconds dragged on... One of the wheels of the motorbike kept spinning long after the engine had automatically shut off somewhere in the smoke. Mithias was on high alert, poised with intense focus. Melee with Kami wasn't his preferred method of dealing with him, but he had to be ready for such an attack in a fog like this. He felt in his blood the surge that accompanied every warrior into battle, fear. Perhaps Kami knew Mithias was still there in the fog, perhaps he was guessing, but he spoke. That emotionless, reverberating voice echoed off the wall and buildings around them. The vampire desperately tried locate its source. The voice seemed to be slowly moving, but where was it coming from!? The vampire kept his head and kept his guard up with his two titanium swords. Kami was right. Mithias had been born into this war. It was all he had ever known in his long seven centuries. He used to fight against all vampirism as a human, just as Kami no Kage did now, so he knew exactly how zealous his opponent must be. So much had Mithias wanted peace, yet he could not abide the slaughter if innocents. Some innate directive told him that it was wrong, and it killed him not to show mercy. He would strive to find another way. but he had been doing so for a very long time. It was ironic that in a way, they both sought the same end. Mithias heard Kami's disturbing, fatalistic words, followed by the faint sound of a weapon clicking free. He blinked and searched with his golden eyes into the smoke clouds, also turning slowly to try to find Kami. "What you say is true, human. Time has shown me that the 'war' between us is unending. But... time has also shown me, that it is more than a mere conflict between species." He swallowed, catching a faint glimmer of light through the fog in one direction, then continued slowly, "This war, our war, is nothing less than the eternal struggle between good and evil. Humans and vampires are ultimately the same. A vampire's power may be used for great evil, but it can also be used for great good!" Mithias emphasized that last part, his voice belying his sincerity. He returned to normal tone. "They deserve the chance to choose." He was pretty sure he knew where Kami was hiding at this point, but pretended to be oblivious. "Regardless of whether or not SOLDIER has lost sight of its purpose, I still have not lost sight of mine. If you believe in redemption, if you truly have faith, then abandon your genocidal crusade. Do not lose hope in others, Kami no Kage. Join me, and fight for true justice."