Xilanthis took the paper and began to look it over, "Impressive, very orderly. But completely useless" He said tossing it to the floor. "You see Karasis is the only master with issues with you. The rest of use actually want to have diplomatic ties strengthened and forged. Unfortunately Karasis will not be swayed with from his old ways." He began to move towards the bed, laying down with his hands behind his head. "Litharian politics are a funny thing, and apparently very different from the Wolken sort. This 'job' as you see it is a diplomatic mission. Unfortunately karasis sees it only as a job to pay a worthless piece of trash from a worthless planet." He let out a sigh, thinking about all the heedless times Karasis has almost lead them to war over his ideals, if he wasn't a tactical genius he may have been sent into early retirement. "That is why when we reconvene I'll suggest that the Wolken are not to be trusted and to supplement the hunting party with one of ours. This chance of a dual-species operation will allow our ties to be forged in the ways of old, the ways of Karasis. Meanwhile I can focus on 'convincing' the masters to change the the deal. Of course it won't be hard, like I said the other masters already want it. I was thinking of establishing a trade connection between some of our fringe worlds. It would be safe, convenient, and beneficial to us both. What do you think?"