"Arm the fucking RPG's! Destroy the damned tanks!" Matt said into the radio between firing at the maniacs with rapid fire crossbows. He fished a grenade out of the inside of his jacket and tossed it out into the middle of the men firing. "Grenade!" They yelled. Boom, taking out a few in the center of the blast radius, shrapnel sticking in the legs of a few that didn't get the fuck out of the way in time. Shortly after a much larger boom followed suit, one of the tanks exploding from the rocket launcher fire. Sadly the second tank decided to turn it's fiery maw towards the man with the rocket launcher while he was reloading, setting him ablaze. "Damn..." Matt said, he stood firing blindly while running down the alley behind a second building. Unless they blew up the building, if they followed after him they would simply meet a wall of bullets. Wasn't much, but he didn't have that many more mags left. ---- Magnus grinned as he heard gunfire and screams of death. "Oh, would you listen at that, it seems the humans have begun shooting themselves." He said with a laugh. "Yes, yes. I do believe now would be the perfect time to strike, wouldn't you agree everyone?" The blood crazed newbloods in the room growled and slowly nodded. "Go forth, Strike them from behind!" At that the newbloods swarmed out of the cavernous base as if a starter pistol had been fired at a marathon. Shortly the only people left in the room was Lady Mohawk, her progeny, Magnus, And The Jester. "Shall we, gentlemen and women?" He said with a mad grin on his face. ---- Rhyss groaned, Having been disturbed from his rest. Sure, vampires didn't need it, but it didn't kill them to simply rest every once in a while. He'd been radio'd about the Purge attack at Kilo Point. He didn't hesitate, he immediately got up and grabbed his gear. Holstering everything and carrying as much ammo as could possibly fit on his clothes, and when that ran out he got a duffel bag and tossed it on his shoulder. Grabbing shades and a cigar and promptly lighting it, he hopped on his motorcycle and gunned the accelerator. Lucky for him he was stationed not far from Kilo Point as back up in-case shit ever hit the fan. He'd be there in maybe 30 minutes, 35 tops. It'd been a while since he'd actually been deployed, oh so long...Probably because they trusted him as far as they could throw him. Probably only called him in because it was convenient, he really didn't care either way.