Meesei did not say anything through Jerrick's final words, instead allowing him the chance to say everything he could. Only once he finally passed did she release him and halt her magic. She lowered her head solemnly, letting out a depressed sigh. She had failed to protect him. Had she known he had been poisoned, Sabine might have been able to work up a cure in the hours they had. Even Argonian blood could be made into a cure, if properly refined to not be rejected by the body. Unfortunately, Meesei had no way of knowing. All she could do now was to work to keep the clan together. Despite what Jerrick said, Vera was still a suspect. Just because he did not detect a poison did not mean one was not present. Some could be completely tasteless and invisible. It was possible Jerrick simply did not want to believe his own wife would betray him. Regardless, she grabbed the waterskin and made sure it was secure in her bag. Since she had not seen such a poison before, she decided to bring it to Sabine to have it tested in a more controlled manner. If the water within was the only thing Jerrick had consumed that day, then it could help determine Vera's guilt. If it was clean, then she was almost certainly the poisoner. If not, they would need to determine who could have poisoned the water. In any case, she needed to act quickly to make the most of the time they had. "Ahnasha, go track down Vera, just to be safe. Do not confront her, just follow, and remain hidden. Watch everything she does and look for evidence to prove or absolve her of guilt. I will have this water tested for poison. Take the welkynd stone. It still has some energy, if you need to remain invisible for long. Now hurry." Meesei ordered, to which Ahnasha quickly complied. Before leaving the room, Meesei gave one last look to Jerrick's body. She would ensure he received a proper funeral. Since it was nighttime, the halls of the city were far less crowded and it was simpler for Ahnasha to follow Vera's relatively fresh scent. She maintained invisibility by splitting the cost between her own magicka, and what remained in the welkynd stone. Her feet were near completely silent on the stone floor, and her entire form was scarcely a shimmer in the air. As she drew closer to Vera, she kept all of her senses attuned to anything that might be important. Meesei headed back to their room, where most of the pack had retired for the night. She did notice that Lorag was not present, but she could deal with that later. For the moment, she shook Sabine awake, though the volume of her voice indicated that she intended to wake everyone. "Wake up; I need you, all of you."