@Mayadere Looks good. Accepted. I like the backstory, I will need to discuss a few things about it at some point, just so I have them for later. @Teal As you wish, but the door is open. And to answer you're questions: What kind of tone do you want this RP to have? Is it going to be like an overall light tone with occasional dark moments? Pretty much that. The most serious it will get is on the occasional high tension hunt, or where the plot develops. Most of the time it will just be about a bunch of kids doing what kids do. In the down time everyone will be free to do as they wish, I only ask that we try to develop our characters and the world. So everyone will be able to make locations and NPCs which I will do my best to involve them in the plot as the story goes on. Can a person be stripped off from the light? Like, can the light disappear in that person to the point where he wouldn't be able to use any powers? As far as everyone is concerned there have not been any proven cases of someone "loosing" the Light within themselves. If a Knight manages to live long enough, they will find it harder and harder to "use" the Light. The explanation for this is that as you get older the world looses some of its shine, and in turn you loose some of your own. When you are a kid, everything is new and exiting, the world serves to feed you're imagination and every day is an adventure. But when you get older, you don't get that as much. The Light feeds on that feeling of childishness and builds up a surplus of stored of energy, which we use to fuel our talents. Even when you are older you can still use the power, but you don't recharge at the same rate, so you are not as effective as a Knight any more. It is known that people have gone out in "a blaze of glory," using the last of their Light, extinguishing it and ripping victory from the jaws of defeat at the cost of their life. This is still a fogy concept as testing it would mean having someone die, and TERA is not willing to risk it. Is there gonna be a main villain? It depends on how long this goes on for. (hopefully a while) Will there be a guy we will curse as they fly off into the night, yes. Will this be a being we can't defeat with brute strength alone, likely. Do I have an master mind or a king monster in mind, yes, but I don't plan to tip that hand for a while. I can say that we should fight more than just mindless creatures. Was all of that good? @All Some time monday I should have the first IC post up. Bear with me as the first hunt will be a little stiff while I get a feel for your characters. In my experience the first event is always the hardest as the characters need to fall in line and everyone needs to establish a relationship of sorts, but after that it will open up and should hopefully flow more natural.