[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1797583_780186785401718_3076270238803221089_n.jpg?oh=ca80b99063caa2da6a6b140565884d62&oe=555EEA3A&__gda__=1432611489_fc4b79f3e71bc77b2b090bc6302238d1[/img] Name: Galard Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Half human half elf Racial abilities: Due to his human part Galard has great strenght, speed and resistence, and thanks to his elf part he is really good with magic Individual powers: [hider=Heavenly body magic] The properties of Heavenly Body Magic rely primarily on astronomical objects like meteors or the generation and manipulation of the energy of stars from their own body. The caster can create powerful light blasts or beams of high destructive power, reminiscent of starlight, at their opponents. This light is not the only substance used, however. The caster is also capable of using the power of gravity against the opponent for destructive usage; the strength can be comparable to the effects caused by a black hole. The use of such Magic can be used to enhance the caster's own skills drastically for various purposes, such as shrouding them in Magic that can increase their speed significantly. [/hider] [hider=Great intelligence] Galard has shown to be really smart, being able to tell when someone is lying, also has great knowlege about magic, history and many other subjects [/hider] Backstory: To do, gotta go to work Other: