Rennac nodded with the plan, figuring this method would strengthen ties more, though it would be playing things a bit dangerously. Overall it did make sense why the master of eyes wanted to manipulate events in such a way. "Mhm. You should also avoid anyone who has loyalty to Krasis over the council as a whole. As it stands I wouldn't put it past him to have one of his men try to kill me during the hunt or even hiring a non guild merc to try and assassinate me. For all his talk of honor he was more than ready to kill an unarmed diplomat. Plus, it looks much better for the tabloids not to read 'Wolkar-Litharian taskforce fight one another!' As for the whole demonized impression, I thus far only have a demonized impression of one of you. Its the fact that one person is the head of your military that worries me." He paused seeing the extended hand, tentatively grasping it and giving a firm shake.