Ahnasha had no trouble sneaking through to track Vera's scent. She didn't even have to go very far. The trail ended at Vera and Jerrick's room. There were no lights on and Vera was merely sleeping soundly on her side of their bedroll. There were a few bags strewn about around the bedroll that had Vera's scent on them. Personal effects, probably. Other things were made up of piles of children's school work set for being looked over and Jerrick's own weapons and armour. Funnily enough, Jerrick had two sets of armour. One conventional steel mail and helmet, and another set of various strange large pieces on leather armour laid out on a stone bench. Upon closer inspection, the strange leather appeared to be fitted for a lycan. Over in Meesei's pack's sleeping chamber, Sabine woke up quickly, understanding the seriousness in Meesei's voice. She sat up and rubbed her eyes as everyone else breathed in slowly and held themselves up curiously. Fendros was clearly still tired, but did not express any disrespect. "What is it? Have we found a spy?" Fendros asked. Rhazii began to whine uncomfortably from all the sudden movement, but Fendros was able to pick him up and hush him before he started crying.